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Out-of-Pocket Costs in Alopecia Areata: A Cross-Sectional Study in German-speaking Countries
Social and sexual well-being among young adults coping with stigma of visible chronic skin disease
Entstigmatisierung von Menschen mit Hauterkrankungen in gesundheitsnahen Berufen: Eine randomisierte, kontrollierte Interventionsstudie
Associations between disease burden and mental health outcomes in male and female patients with anogenital psoriasis: the mediating role of social avoidance and cognitive distraction coping
A Structured Intervention for Medical Students Significantly Improves Awareness of Stigmatisation in Visible Chronic Skin Diseases: A Randomised Controlled Trial
Developments in quality of life assessment in children with dermatological conditions: Validation protocol for the German version of the InToDermQoL
Dermatological care of elderly people with psoriasis before and after entering a nursing home: A qualitative analysis from the perspective of medical providers
Disease burden and patient needs in women of childbearing age with psoriasis: retrospective analysis from the German PsoBest registries Psoriasis
A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis of Factors Associated with Stigma of Dermatologic Disease Psychodermatology and quality of life
Patients' and physicians' perspectives of shared decision making for psoriasis systemic treatment: associations with sources of information and health literacy
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