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Phase 1 of DEVISE Intervention: a Systematic Review Identifying Predictors and Correlates Associated with Self-stigma in People with Visible Chronic Skin Diseases
Interventions to Reduce Stigmatisation of Visible Chronic Skin Disease: Results from an RCT Targeting Stigmatizing Beliefs of Body Care Professionals and a Systematic Review of Self-Stigma Interventions
Interventions Targeting Social and Self-stigmatization Among People with Visible Chronic Skin Disease – Results from Randomized Controlled Trials
Social and sexual well-being among young adults coping with stigma of visible chronic skin disease
Associations between disease burden and mental health outcomes in male and female patients with anogenital psoriasis: the mediating role of social avoidance and cognitive distraction coping
Tackling self-stigmatisation in people with visible chronic skin diseases - a systematic review and development of an online intervention
Developing an online intervention to reduce self-stigmatization in people with visible chronic skin diseases: a study protocol (PP15)
Interventions targeting social and self-stigma among people with chronic skin disease – Results from RCTs
Psychosocial health and quality of life in ICSI and naturally conceived adolescents: a cross-sectional comparison
Interventionen gegen Selbst-Stigmatisierung bei Personen mit sichtbaren chronischen Hauterkrankungen - eine systematische Übersichtsarbeit
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