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Applications of the Kidcope questionnaires in pediatric settings: A developmental perspective in the evaluation of coping in children and adolescents
Quality of life in children and adolescents with short stature: Semantic validation and pilot study of the Portuguese versions of the QoLISSY questionnaires
Umsetzung der WHO Psoriasis - Resolution in die Öffentlichkeit: ein bundesweites Programm gegen Stigmatisierung bei chronisch sichtbaren Hauterkrankungen
HrQoL effects of growth-hormone treatment in short statured youth: A controlled prospective study
Translating the WHO psoriasis resolution into the public: the German federal program against stigmatization 2018-2020
The assessment of pediatric health-related quality of life in eight European countries using DISABKIDS-37: Examining differential item functioning within a rasch model and contrasting outcomes
Height perception of children with GH Deficiency: Influencing factors and links to psychosocial functioning
Factors influencing health related quality of lfe in children/adolescents with growth hormone deficiency
Cross-cultural comparison of pediatric asthma-related quality of life between Portugal and other European countries: Measurement invariance and differential item functioning of the DISABKIDS Asthma Module
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