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Applications of the Kidcope questionnaires in pediatric settings: A developmental perspective in the evaluation of coping in children and adolescents

C. Carone, N. da Silva, H. Moreira, L. Barros, MC. Canavarro (2018, September)

Oral communication presented at the 10º congresso AIDAP/AIDEP: Diagnóstico e avaliação psicológica, Coimbra, Portugal

Quality of life in children and adolescents with short stature: Semantic validation and pilot study of the Portuguese versions of the QoLISSY questionnaires

N. da Silva, JP. Almeida, M. Bullinger, MF. Magalhães, MC. Canavarro (2018, September)

Oral communication presented at the 10º congresso AIDAP/AIDEP: Diagnóstico e avaliação psicológica, Coimbra, Portugal.

Umsetzung der WHO Psoriasis - Resolution in die Öffentlichkeit: ein bundesweites Programm gegen Stigmatisierung bei chronisch sichtbaren Hauterkrankungen

M. Augustin, U. Mrowietz, C. Luck-Sikorski, R. von Kiedrowski, S. Schlette, M. Radtke, SM. John, A. Zink, N. Suthakaran, R. Sommer (2018, October).

17. Deutscher Kongress für Versorgungsforschung 2018: P230

HrQoL effects of growth-hormone treatment in short statured youth: A controlled prospective study

M. Bullinger, J. Bloemeke, N. da Silva, J. Quitmann, H-G. Dörr, The German QOLISSY Prospective Group (2018, October). 

Poster session presented at the ISOQOL 25th Annual Conference, Dublin, Ireland.

Translating the WHO psoriasis resolution into the public: the German federal program against stigmatization 2018-2020

M. Augustin, U. Mrowietz, C. Luck-Sikorski, R. von Kiedrowski, S.Schlette, M. Radtke, SM. John , Zink A, N. Suthakaran, R. Sommer (2018, October). 

Annual Conference of the International Society for Quality of Life Research 2018: ID2044

The assessment of pediatric health-related quality of life in eight European countries using DISABKIDS-37: Examining differential item functioning within a rasch model and contrasting outcomes

C. Carona, H. Moreira, MC. Canavarro, M. Bullinger, N. da Silva (2018, September). 

Poster session presented at the European Pediatric Psychology Conference 2018, Ghent, Belgium

Height perception of children with GH Deficiency: Influencing factors and links to psychosocial functioning

C. Drosatou, E-A. Vlachopapadopoulou, M. Bullinger, J. Quitmann, N. da Silva, S. Michalacos, K. Tsoumakas (2018, September)

Poster session presented at the 57th Annual Meeting of the European Society of Paediatric Endocrinology (ESPE), Athens, Greece.

Factors influencing health related quality of lfe in children/adolescents with growth hormone deficiency

C. Drosatou, E-A. Vlachopapadopoulou, M. Bullinger, J. Quitmann, N. da Silva, S. Michalacos, K. Tsoumakas (2018, September)

Poster session presented at the 57th Annual Meeting of the European Society of Paediatric Endocrinology (ESPE), Athens, Greece.

Cross-cultural comparison of pediatric asthma-related quality of life between Portugal and other European countries: Measurement invariance and differential item functioning of the DISABKIDS Asthma Module

N. da Silva, C. Carona, MC. Canavarro, M. Bullinger (2018, September). 

Poster session presented at the European Pediatric Psychology Conference 2018, Ghent, Belgium.