Conference report: 15. Dermatologisches Alpenseminar

13 May 2024

The 15th Dermatological Alpine Seminar took place in Murnau am Staffelsee over the Ascension weekend. This also hosted the 30th annual conference of the Psychosomatic Dermatology Working Group (AkPsychDerm), which offered a varied programme on topics such as dermatological psychology and climate change, art therapy and the interface between occupational dermatology and psychodermatology. We were delighted that Juliane Traxler was able to complement the programme with a presentation on stigmatisation in occupational contexts and present our PsoBASE study.

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Members of the board of the Psychosomatic Dermatology working group and speakers at the annual conference [from left to right: Dr. Johannes Hockmann (board member), Juliane Traxler, Dr. Sandra Hanneken (board member), Dr. Susanne Naha, Leona Wilken-Fricke, Rebekka Köstler, Prof. Eva Peters (board member)].