German Psoriasis Day 2022 (in German)

event date icon pchc

29 Oct 2022

time icon pchc

09:00 - 16:00

event location icon pchc

Hyperion Hotel Leipzig, Germany (+ Livestream)
German Psoriasis Day 2022 - News about psoriasis disease

On the occasion of the World Psoriasis Day 2022 the German Psoriasis Federation (DPB) and Hautnetz Leipzig/Westsachsen e.V. cordially invite you to a scientific information event for patients as well as physicians.


In addition to various lectures and an industrial exhibition, projects of the DPB research funding will be presented by PD Dr. Rachel Sommer (PCHC), Dr. Melike Sümbül (Kiel) and PD Dr. Dr. Alexander Zink (Munich).